
Lessons From The East: The Benefits Of Natural Health Care

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Lessons From The East: The Benefits Of Natural Health Care

Welcome. I hope you are in the best of health as you read this blog. If not, perhaps there will be some ideas on these pages to help with your ailments. A decade ago, I was deemed healthy by my GP, but constantly suffered from various unidentified aches, pains and illnesses. It was after I started living in China that my general well-being improved. I started using a range of natural health care measures used by the locals. Massage, herbal medicines, specific exercises and a holistic eating plan saw me reach the peak of my fitness. Years later, I am still reaping the benefits of following a natural health care regimen which is preventative rather than reactive. I hope that my blog inspires you to explore at least some of the alternatives out there. Try natural and stay healthy!


Two Types of Natural Healthcare Goods Parents Should Purchase

If you're the parent of a toddler, you should pick up these two types of goods from a natural healthcare shop.

Natural band-aids

You will probably find that at this stage of your child's life, you will go through a lot of band-aids. This is because whilst most toddlers are able to walk, they are not quite yet proficient at this activity and are also not as conscious of the hazards in their surroundings as older children are. As such, they may regularly get bumps and grazes, due to falling over or running headlong into various household objects, and may then need you to put band-aids on their minor injuries.

A such, it's sensible to stock up on natural band-aids. The reason for this is because young children have sensitive skin that is more likely to react to harsh chemicals, such as the acrylates that are often used to make standard band-aids adhere to the skin. Conversely, natural band-aids not only use hypoallergenic alternatives to these chemicals but also often contain additional natural substances, like aloe vera, that can soothe wounded skin. Given this, your child will probably find wearing these band-aids far more comfortable.

Child-safe essential oils

When picking up the band-aids in the natural healthcare store, you should also get a few child-safe essential oils. Many parents may find the toddler stage one of the most difficult periods of parenthood, due to how impulsive and temperamental children tend to be during it and how difficult it can be to manage their behaviour. Whilst essential oils won't allow you to sail through this particular age and stage, it could make them a bit easier to handle.

For example, if you start burning lavender and chamomile oils — which are commonly used for their soothing and calming properties — in a diffuser shortly before your toddler's naptime and bedtime each day, this could help them to fall asleep a bit faster and either spare you any potential pre-sleep tantrums or, at the very least, shorten their duration.

Aside from causing you less stress and making these parts of the day less of an ordeal for you, using these naturally-scented oils to create a calming atmosphere that helps your child to sleep will improve their general health (as sleep is critical for good health) and ensure that they are well-rested and less irritable when they're awake. For more information about this or natural band-aids, contact a provider.